Happy New Year, gang! I'm going to keep this post short and sweet. I figured since we have an "official" author website and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, we should be like everybody else on the planet and have a blog too! 😉 I'll be honest and tell y'all I have NO CLUE what's going to wind up on here, but I figure at some point I'll tell more of our story. I will probably (fair warning) include lots of random musings, rants and rave reviews about life in general, so y'all can get an accurate picture of both what we go through, why and how we do it and who we are! I am NOT going to hold myself to any kind of "schedule" on this one since I have way too much else going on right now, but it's a start! WELCOME and thank you for the love and support. We're glad you're here and hope we can offer the exact same thing in return!
Much Love,
PS. I had to come back and edit this post to include all the links to the stuff I mentioned, PLUS the links to buy the actual book. That's how tired I am today, people! HA!
Amazon links for the book:
Kindle - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078P8BRZC
Paperback - https://www.amazon.com/…/1…/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_s.LrAbCFBB189
(If you get the Kindle version for yourself and the paperback version to send to your loved one, there's a discount!)
Facebook: (Cannot get this hyperlink to load for the life of me, but you can find us by searching "Strength From Struggle Series" and it's the FIRST "Page" that comes up. I'll figure it out later. I've been up all night. *yawn*
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Reed_SFSS
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strength_from_struggle_series/…
Our Website (where you can also book me - and later us - for speaking engagements):
We can also be reached at strengthfromstruggleseries@gmail.com
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